Comparison of the official messengers Business API and Chat API solutions - advantages and disadvantages

A transparent comparison of messengers official API and our API

The idea of a transparent and understandable comparison came after analyzing the questions coming to us in support. In our short note"Have messengers API?" We mentioned that the official Business API has serious limitations, but did not go into details. Today we want to make a large and clear comparison, point by point, where we describe all the advantages and disadvantages of both our development and the official decision.

Please note that our API is independent and we have no official connection to messengers . We are trying to solve a painful problem for developers with the full consent of messengers users who are interested in using their messengers as bots. We do not approve spam!


So. Perhaps we first focus on the advantages of our solution.

Official solution

Chat API

Works only with new numbers.

Works with any existing personal or business number

The number should work at least 3-4 weeks, so that it can be connected

You can start working immediately after making the number, but it is important to follow our recommendations

Currently available only to medium and large businesses

Available to all categories of customers

Message templates must be pre-approved

You can send any content (not violating the law)

The cost of messages reaches up to ~$0.07, depending on the country (equivalent to the price of sms)

Physically unlimited messaging for a fixed fee ($39 per month and discounts)

Strict adherence to rules and complex implementation process

No conditions and easy registration

Requires a dedicated server and complex system architecture, integration will take at least 2-4 weeks

Simple JSON API and Webhooks, Integration in just 10 minutes, Only phone is required

Subscriber permission to receive messages is required

No subscription required

High technology and running costs (from 100 to 250 dollars)

Fixed monthly low cost ($39 per month and discounts)

Only one number for your confirmed business

You can use numbers in any quantity

Limited support (paid support through solution partners)

Direct support 24x7 via email and chats

Impossibility to influence and add functionality to the service

The ability to make any refinement and integration

Unchanged name of your account (by business name)

Any name of your account


Now about the shortcomings. We are convinced that these shortcomings will not affect your business or the business of your customers.

Official solution

Chat API

High scalability, default 10 messages per second

Depends on the period of use of the account. At the beginning, we advise you to send no more than 5-20 messages per minute.

Regardless of the local phone connection

Depends on your phone network conditions

Automatic ability to add and delete contacts

Only manually add contacts via phone

Business account gets verified icon

No verified icon

Indulgent Locking Algorithms

Standard locking algorithms

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Feel free to reach out and share your experiences or ask any questions.

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